AML/CFT in Enterprises. Listen to Webinar #2

Before we invite you to the third webinar on AML/CFT in Business: Mandated Institutions under the AML/CFT Act, we invite you to listen to an abbreviated version of Webinar #2. During the second presentation, Mr Hubert Sarżyński of BSO Law & Taxes presented the effects of the activity of obligatory…

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Online meeting: Lower Silesia 2021 – challenges and prospects for the region.

Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Poland) together with partners: American Chamber of Commerce in Poland, British-Polish Chamber of Commerce, French-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, Netherlands-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Belgian Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Swiss…

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