Meetings 10-12.11 in Luxembourg

During his stay in Luxembourg on 10-12 November, President of the Chamber Krzysztof Bramorski held meetings related to the functioning and development of PLIG.The programme of the stay included a meeting with the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and talks on the cooperation of both Chambers and talks at the Ministry…

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PLCC member of the IGCC

The Polish-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce has been admitted to the International Group of Chambers of Commerce. The International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC) was established in 2005 to create a platform for communication between the international business community and the Government of Poland. It currently brings together 17 chambers…

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New PLCC member: High Capital Holding

High Capital Holding

We welcome a new member of the Polish-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. High Capital Holding (HCH) was established in Warsaw in March 2019 and specializes in operating in the residential real estate market. High Capital Holding is a holding company (limited liability company) whose role is primarily to exercise supervision over…

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