PLIG supports the initiative to create law for space mining

Probably few people know that Luxembourg is a world pioneer in legislation regarding the space sector. Already in 2017, it was the first country in Europe and the second in the world to adopt the Act on the exploration and extraction of space resources, and in 2020 it adopted the General Act on Space Activities. Luxembourg’s experience can serve as an example to other legislators, potentially also Polish ones.

At the end of February 2024, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland revealed that work is underway on the Act on Space Activities, the draft of which is to be adopted by the government in the third quarter of 2024. Previous attempts to regulate the space sector took place in 2015, when the work was interrupted on the Act on the National Register of Space Objects (KROK). The currently drafted act is to have a broader scope and, in addition to the creation of KROK, it is also to provide for, among others: a system of permits for conducting space activities and rules of liability for damage caused by space objects and introduce mandatory insurance for entities operating in the space sector. It is not clear whether the act will also regulate the issue of exploitation and ownership of space resources, i.e. the so-called space mining.

Projekt ustawy o działalności kosmicznej – Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów – Portal (

The Polish-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce its involvement in the work on the initiative regarding the law regulating space activities. Together with the Wardyński i Wspólnicy sp.k. and entrepreneurs from Poland and Luxembourg, representing various economic sectors, PLIG wants to actively participate in the creation of regulations also regarding the extraction of raw materials from space. For this purpose, especially for Poland, we are preparing a case study that will help understand the potential of space exploration.

We invite everyone interested in this topic to participate in our networking events and consultations.