On September 13, 2023, the long-awaited Back to Business Mixer took place in the Parachute Auditorium of the Warsaw School of Economics.
We would like to thank all member companies and participants for deciding to take part in this important business networking meeting.
Over 100 companies took part in substantive conversations during sessions tailored to specific industries. Participants had the opportunity to reach a wide range of business recipients with their offer in a less formal atmosphere, thanks to the cooperation of 10 international bilateral economic chambers associated in the International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC).
Polish Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce
Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
Camera di Commercio e dell’Industria Italiana in Polonia
Polish-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce/Polsko-Luksemburska Izba Gospodarcza
Irish Polish Chamber of Commerce
Polsko-Hiszpańska Izba Gospodarcza/ Cámara de Comercio Polaco-Española
Netherlands-Polish Chamber of Commerce
We look forward to further cooperation in the future.